We'll see how that goes. Wish us luck.
My mother was at Target with us, and she wanted to look in the toy section, thinking ahead to Wendy's birthday. Then we saw this:
I couldn't believe it. I grabbed it off the shelf immediately, turned it over, and turned the knob to hear if it made the music I remember so vividly from childhood, and...it does.
I'm sure I'm not the only one who played with one of these clocks as a child. I loved mine, and it still resides in my grandparents' basement somewhere.
I don't even need to tell you that it jumped into the cart and came home with us. I can't wait for Wendy's birthday - I'm just sure she's going to love it!
(And if you want one of your own, look in the toy aisle with puppets at Target - they had this clock, the radio thingie with the screen, and the old-style Chatter telephone!)
I had one of these, too!
Ooo! I had one of those too! I'll have to call my mom and see if she still has it. If not, I'll be running, not walking, to Tar-jay this week!
Thanks for the hot tip!
I had one too. I love the Fischer Price old toys.
I had one of those too! LOVED IT!
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