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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Bit of Inspiration

So. I mentioned yesterday (in that really whiney post) that I'm going to be writing for Inspired Bliss. What is Inspired Bliss? I'm so glad you asked!

Inspired Bliss is the faith channel for the e-zine Blissfully Domestic. BD has several different channels focused on different areas of interest: cooking, financial well-being, marriage, technology, family, homeschooling, crafts, etc. Inspired Bliss, once it is fully up-and-running, will have devotional thoughts, advice columns, book reviews, music reviews, hymn stories, and much more.

In writing for Inspired Bliss, I will be taking a great leap of faith - that my writing is good enough, that my thoughts are clear enough, that my time management will improve, and that God will lead my every step. I will be starting with contributing some devotional thoughts and a weekly article on hymn stories. We'll see where God leads from there!

I'd appreciate your comments, especially if you have suggestions for writing topics for me. I'd appreciate your enthusiastic readership over at Inspired Bliss, and especially your comments on my writings there (as I'm quite insecure some most days). Most of all, I'd appreciate your prayers for me and the entire Inspired Bliss team, especially our leader, Robin.

The site should be up and running within the next two weeks. I'll keep you posted!


Unknown said...

Saw your tweet about no comments. My comments are down too. It's hard not to obsess over that because we want feed back. I love the interaction too.

Can't wait to read Inspired Bliss. Will your posts be more devotional? I think if you write about the Bible verses that touch you or how you hear God speaking to you, those are sure to be great posts!

I'll be writing for Blissfully Wed, so I'd appreciate any suggestions for that.

Amy said...

Good Luck! You'll do great.

Anonymous said...

That's really exciting!

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

I can totally relate! I am feeling all the same feelings about IB. We can pray for each other!

Sandi said...

Fun! You'll do great!